This bag is really cute for a house warming gift. I simply drew the houses on, followed the lines with the super-tack glue pen and foiled it with the rainbow foil. Voila! A beautiful bag to give when someone is moving into a beautiful home!
Monday, 24 February 2014
Giftbag week: Day 4
I just love all those images of, birds on a wire, that you see. So I decided to do my own! I stuck a straight line of double-sided tape across the page. Drew my birds 'on the wire.' Filled in the area with glue pen. Left it to go clear. Peeled the double-sided tape off and foiled the lot. You my have to do more glue between the edge of the tape and the bird just to fill in the ridge. Look how cute they are. And they sparkle too!
Sunday, 23 February 2014
Giftbag week: Day 3
Here is another floral giftbag. Also super simple but super effective. And anyone who says they can't draw should really try this one. Draw it all in pencil first because of the multiple colours. So straight line along the bottom, 3 lines up, a few leaves, a squiggly spiral for the rose, basic daisy and a tulip. Glue pen over the lines you are wanting green and gold. When it is clear, foil the gold at the top. Then foil the green. Follow the lines, you would like red, with glue pen and then foil. Simple simple simple.
Gift bag week: Day 2
You can find the quote for this on my pintrest board, foilart inspiration. If anyone knows how to make a link to a pintrest board please e-mail me. I need help! So really I just wrote the quote out in pencil and then black pen or super-tack glue pen on the parts I wanted to foil. I used the fuschia pink on the love and gold on the arrows. What quote would you put on a gift bag?
Friday, 21 February 2014
A week of giftbags: Day 1
Whenever I sell a foilart pack I always give it away in a beautiful giftbag. The only problem is I love them so much I don't want to let them go! So I take pictures of them and the natural move from there is to show you how you can make them too!
So each day I'll be posting a new gift bag and how I did it.
My first is super simple...actually they all are. I found an embroidery pattern on pintrest for my image. I just drew it out. If at this point you are saying but I'm not artistic enough for that. Then cheat! Print the image and using carbon paper trace it on to the bag. Draw over the 'flower' with your super-tack glue pen. Leave it to go clear and then foil in purple. Then repeat with the leaves and foil in green. See simple right?
Thursday, 20 February 2014
Sparkles were you tinkle.
I just love when other people send me what they have done with their foilart! Lynette is a huge fan of foilart and I can see she is going to take foilart to places not even I would have thought of going! Just check out this picture of the toilet seat in her son's bathroom. How awesome it that? She did it using the super-tack glue pen and rainbow foil then sealed it with modge podge.
She also did a set of beautiful coasters.
She pratley glo'd them to make sure the foil stayed protected.
If you have done anything with foilart that you are really proud about e-mail me a picture and I'll put it on my blog.
Wednesday, 5 February 2014
A Fairytale party