I just made this beautiful sign for the greyville craft show. I saw a turquoise and red colour combination in a store and thought it was so striking I decided I had to try the colour combination. After searching pintrest for inspiration I came across this image. I had the sign lazer cut by Jeanene at everything lazer. She is a lovely lady and very helpful and very reasonably priced. Next I painted it red and drew my design on. I followed my lines with the foilart glue pen(all the parts turquoise first, white then red). Foiled and sealed with pratley glo. The sign was a huge hit at the show and actually was sold right off the stand! So I didn't get to keep it but atleast I can hang it here on my blog.
Saturday, 6 September 2014
Wednesday, 30 July 2014
Bowling party invitation
Thursday, 26 June 2014
Clock workshop
Here are a few of the beautiful clocks done in our workshops this month! There were lots of other gorgeous clocks! Silly me forgot to take pictures of all of them.
Hearts all a shimmer
A very talented lady, called Leonie, joined me for one of our foilart classes. She has caught the craze and is running with it! Here is a beautiful piece she did with 2 hearts. She painted the 'back' hearts silver and gold, then glued the top hearts which were lazer cut filligree, on top and foiled on the 'swirls'. She then sealed it with liquid glass which is really nice for doing fiddly details. A simple project that looks gorgeous. What have you tried with foilart recently?
Tuesday, 17 June 2014
The masterpiece
If any of you have been down to the East Coast Radio Garden and Home show or Hobby X you will have seen this piece being displayed. It is absolutely stunning. This picture doesn't actually do it justice. Louise Botha who is creative director for Foilart
South Africa created this piece. The detail on it is amazing! She really is a lovely lady and has really taken
Foilart to another level with her talents. She has inspired me and I hope she inspires you too!
Thursday, 12 June 2014
Sweetie jar
This another great project from Lynette. I love a good ol' recycle project and this one is so simple. All you need is a tin can, sandpaper, spray paint, glue pen, foil (here she used a plain silver) and modge podge.
Simply sand the can, spray with the paint. Leave to dry. Write with your glue pen and foil. Then just seal it with 2 coats of modge podge. And hey presto a new sweetie jar.
If you have made anything with foilart that you are proud of and would like to show off e-mail me, niki.higgs7@gmail.com and I'll post it on here. I always love seeing other peoples great projects too.
Wednesday, 4 June 2014
Peacock clock
This clock is proof that foilart isn't only for children. Classy, gorgeous and unique. Do you want to give it a try? E-mail me at niki.higgs7@gmail.com for more information about the class nearest you.
Wednesday, 28 May 2014
Royal show
Come visit us at the royal show! It is a great day out and a great place to come and chat to us, get more stock and inspiration!
Morrocan glass bottles
Once again another project I had so much fun making. This is a little more advanced than previous projects but practise a few times and I am sure you will get it right.
You will need: a glass jar, glass stain in dark blue, foilart super-tack glue pen, antique gold foil and glass sealant.
First make sure your glass is clean. Paint the glass with the glass stain. I found it best to dab the paint on. Otherwise it was too streaky. Wait for that to dry.
Next warm your glass up, either in the oven or with a hair dryer. It doean't need to be hot just warm enough that you can still hold it. Then draw your design on with the glue pen. If you are worried about your design draw it on paper first and then place the paper inside the glass. Then all you need to do is follow the lines. Wait for the glue to go clear and tacky and then foil. Then simply seal with the glass sealant.
Friday, 16 May 2014
Henna Inspired
I have been very busy lately preparing for the royal show. Which has been fantastic because it has forced me to be creative and I have really enjoyed that. I also recieved a new pack of foils and was very excited to try the white foil and all I can say is I am in love! Don't get me wrong, sparkles are awesome but it is so nice to do something matte and simple. Opens up even more doors of possibilities! The design was inspired by a client of mine who does henna. Her stuff is amazing and she is taking mehndi designs to a whole new level. You can see that on her blog here. She was asking if you could use foilart to do henna designs. So I said sure and this proves it!
Thursday, 1 May 2014
Birds on a branch
Wednesday, 12 March 2014
A rainbow of foil
Monday, 10 March 2014
March workshop
I know how much you all love these coasters. So we are doing them as a workshop this week so you can make your own, Tuesday 11th of March 9am-12 at Waterfall Mica, Saturday 15th of March 1:30pm-4:30 at Inkys. There are also plain coasters for those of you that would like to do their own designs. Please e-mail me niki.higgs7@gmail.com for more details.
Monday, 24 February 2014
Giftbags week: Day 5
This bag is really cute for a house warming gift. I simply drew the houses on, followed the lines with the super-tack glue pen and foiled it with the rainbow foil. Voila! A beautiful bag to give when someone is moving into a beautiful home!
Giftbag week: Day 4
I just love all those images of, birds on a wire, that you see. So I decided to do my own! I stuck a straight line of double-sided tape across the page. Drew my birds 'on the wire.' Filled in the area with glue pen. Left it to go clear. Peeled the double-sided tape off and foiled the lot. You my have to do more glue between the edge of the tape and the bird just to fill in the ridge. Look how cute they are. And they sparkle too!
Sunday, 23 February 2014
Giftbag week: Day 3
Here is another floral giftbag. Also super simple but super effective. And anyone who says they can't draw should really try this one. Draw it all in pencil first because of the multiple colours. So straight line along the bottom, 3 lines up, a few leaves, a squiggly spiral for the rose, basic daisy and a tulip. Glue pen over the lines you are wanting green and gold. When it is clear, foil the gold at the top. Then foil the green. Follow the lines, you would like red, with glue pen and then foil. Simple simple simple.
Gift bag week: Day 2
You can find the quote for this on my pintrest board, foilart inspiration. If anyone knows how to make a link to a pintrest board please e-mail me. I need help! So really I just wrote the quote out in pencil and then black pen or super-tack glue pen on the parts I wanted to foil. I used the fuschia pink on the love and gold on the arrows. What quote would you put on a gift bag?
Friday, 21 February 2014
A week of giftbags: Day 1
Whenever I sell a foilart pack I always give it away in a beautiful giftbag. The only problem is I love them so much I don't want to let them go! So I take pictures of them and the natural move from there is to show you how you can make them too!
So each day I'll be posting a new gift bag and how I did it.
My first is super simple...actually they all are. I found an embroidery pattern on pintrest for my image. I just drew it out. If at this point you are saying but I'm not artistic enough for that. Then cheat! Print the image and using carbon paper trace it on to the bag. Draw over the 'flower' with your super-tack glue pen. Leave it to go clear and then foil in purple. Then repeat with the leaves and foil in green. See simple right?
Thursday, 20 February 2014
Sparkles were you tinkle.
I just love when other people send me what they have done with their foilart! Lynette is a huge fan of foilart and I can see she is going to take foilart to places not even I would have thought of going! Just check out this picture of the toilet seat in her son's bathroom. How awesome it that? She did it using the super-tack glue pen and rainbow foil then sealed it with modge podge.
She also did a set of beautiful coasters.
She pratley glo'd them to make sure the foil stayed protected.
If you have done anything with foilart that you are really proud about e-mail me a picture and I'll put it on my blog.
Wednesday, 5 February 2014
A Fairytale party

Tuesday, 14 January 2014
coral and gold nails
So now you have even more things to foil and you can take your sparkle everywhere with you. What do you think? Are you going to try it on your nails?
How do you like dem coasters?
You will need: Laser cut mdf coasters, super tack glue pen, Dark pink confetti foil, Purple glitter foil, Turquoise sparkle foil and silver pinstripe foil, high gloss varnish or Pratley glo.
So when you start with your coaster it will look like this. I recommend taking a pencil and writing on it gently which parts you want which colours. It helps you get the colours evenly balanced and helps you remember which parts you wanted which colour.
Next, fill in with the glue all the parts you want dark pink. Make sure you get glue right up to the edges. Leave it to go clear and tacky. Place your dark pink foil over and press firmly. Make sure you 'catch the sides'. Keep repeating this step with each colour. In this picture you can see I had foiled everything but the silver.
Last step, seal it. This is so important especially with a coaster. The foil is delicate and can get scratched easily. You don't want you work ruined when you have put so much effort into it.
There you have it. Look at that gorgeous sparkle and shine. If you would like to order these coasters plain or ready-made please e-mail me for details.
Simple yet Sparkly
and was inspired to make this.
It was super super easy and really so gorgeous.
You will need: Canvas, pencil, Super tack glue pen, Antique gold foil, dark pink confetti foil and high gloss varnish or modge podge.
Draw your words on. As you can see my sparkle is almost an exact replica of their sparkly and the rest I just wrote in cursive.
Next draw over all of the parts you would like to be gold, with the glue pen. Leave it to go clear and tacky. Then foil it. Make sure it is covered completely. Anywhere that is still sticky will catch the pink when you lay it over.
Repeat with the glue and the dark pink foil on the rest of the words.
Next step is to cover it with a coat of sealant to protect it. Mine is part of my market display so it will really be man handled so I needed it to be coated well so it doesn't get dirty or scuffed. I did 2 coats of high gloss varnish. Next time I think I will try something more matte so it still has that canvas look to it. Otherwise I'm very proud of my new wall hanging.
I hope you have a super sparkly day and remember to keep foiling.